My Dad told me the other day that she wants to find a currency loft buyer for her loft in INpolis, IN. I am not absolutely sure how that is going to happen, even though she told me that she wants to sell her loft for relocation. My Dad wants to transfer away from INpolis IN, so she wants to get me to help her sell her outdated home. I told her that she might absolutely want to hire a professional realtor who is experienced in selling outdated loft for currency in the INpolis, IN area, even though she keeps telling me that she wants me to help her do it instead. I don’t know why in the world she thinks that I am capable of selling her outdated loft for currency, other than the fact that she thinks that my university degree means that I can literally do anything. Sporadically I feel that it would be absolutely nice if I could only be half as smart as my mother thinks that I am! When it comes right down to it, I have never been able to get currency for properties at all, regardless of where it is. I have never worked as a real estate investor and I have never obtained and sold properties much at all throughout my life, and now, my Dad thinks that I am the one to help her get the most currency possible out of her outdated loft in INpolis. I sometimes just do not understand why she thinks about certain things the way that she does.