The divorce was finalized after the sale of the house

The divorce was finalized after the sale of the house

My husband and I realized that our relationship was over long before we signed the divorce paperwork. We tried to make the relationship work for several years and as soon as the kids were all off to college, we knew that things were over. We didn’t have anything in common and we didn’t really like

Contine Reading

Reasons to settle down in Jacksonville that you may not know

Reasons to settle down in Jacksonville that you may not know

If you’ve never driven through Florida before, you have no idea how big it is. This is a truly long state – from the northern border of the Panhandle to the tip of Key West it measures about 500 miles. That’s one heck of a drive! Being so big, the state is filled with a

Contine Reading

Selling a termite house for money

Selling a termite house for money

I will have to start saving so I can update to the same level I was at I am a single guy in his twenties that works all the time, and upkeep on my house just isn’t a priority. I also do not notice anything wrong in my condo until it is a major problem.

Contine Reading

The benefits of paying currency for real estate in Jax

The benefits of paying currency for real estate in Jax

Chances are wonderful that the real estate agent will bend over backwards to help you purchase a apartment or building in Jax It doesn’t matter what you are buying, currency is always king. No one enjoys to advertise that they give a currency discount, but I guarantee you that nine out of 10 small business

Contine Reading

Learn about logistics

Learn about logistics

In today’s competitive commercial market, effective storage plus retrieval of products is vistal, however pallet racking systems have become an efficient solution, providing a systematic plus organized method for warehouse management; These structures utilize vertical frames plus horizontal beams to handle more than 2 purposes that contribute to optimized storage space plus streamlined operations. Pallet

Contine Reading

This house is a big source of disagreement between my wife and I

This house is a big source of disagreement between my wife and I

My partner plus I got married right out of school, and my good friend and I were way too young. My good friend and I were also harshly in-debt due to lots of school loans, however because of a job opportunity, my buddy and I moved sixteen hours south, shortly after graduation. My good friend

Contine Reading

When we needed to move, we sold the house for cash

When we needed to move, we sold the house for cash

The Jacksonville Florida property sold fast, because we decided to sell the house for cash I didn’t realize how sick my mom was until my wife and I went to visit last summer. It had been about three or four years since I had been home. I talked to my mom on the phone about

Contine Reading

The divorce was finalized after the sale of the house

The divorce was finalized after the sale of the house

The condo was genuinely worth a lot more than it was when we made the purchase. My hubby plus I realized that our relationship was over long before we signed the divorce paperwork. My buddy and I tried to make the relationship work for several years plus as soon as the youngsters were all off

Contine Reading

Property Value in San Francisco have skyrocketed since 2005

Property Value in San Francisco have skyrocketed since 2005

San Francisco is one of the most beautiful cities in the whole state of California. There are a number of activities in the town that are appealing to a wide array of people. San Francisco has progressive values plus innovations in technology that are different from any other venue on the west coast. There are

Contine Reading

Cash for Houses in the bay area

Cash for Houses in the bay area

If I didn’t have a cousin who was a real estate agent, I never would have found a locale to live out here, then it’s one of those strange, ironic things about life that the same town is known for both its amazing homes, plus its huge homeless population, however having seen the market values,

Contine Reading

Relocating and need to sell my Indianapolis home fast

Relocating and need to sell my Indianapolis home fast

I have lived in Indianapolis, IN my whole life and now we have to move up and move. My husband enlisted in the service and is being deployed. Since he is through basic training and now has a steady location he will be in for a few years, it is time to sell everything and

Contine Reading

Selling a storm damaged home fast

Selling a storm damaged home fast

Jacksonville Florida sees its fair share of storms. There is always a hurricane season that people worry about. I recently dealt with some bad damage after the storm. A tree crashed through my roof, wrecked a bedroom and my front porch. I then experienced severe water damage due to the rain. Once I came back

Contine Reading

I don't like being in this house

I don't like being in this house

My partner and I bought our house in Jacksonville shortly after graduating from college. My good friend and I got married and combined our savings to afford a down payment. My good friend and I raised our children in the apartment and celebrated all of our important events. My partner passed away two years ago.

Contine Reading